In addition to the articles below, I have, beginning in February 2014, been blogging extensively on Mississippi/Southern history, primarily on Reconstruction, the settings for my more recent novels, Camellia Creek and its sequel Honors Banner. I am unabashedly pro-Southern in my treatment of the period and my disdain for the Congress/central government and their supporters of that period who sounded the death knoll of our Founders Republic. If interested, visit Loblolly Log and scroll through the articles. By the very nature of the blog, the more recent ones are farther forward in history, making the history read backwards, but I do have some links that will take the reader back to the beginning (for example my series on James L. Alcorn), from which point he/she can move forward.
Thanks for stopping in,
Charlsie Russell
The Heroine of the Southern Gothic Love Story
The Hero of the Southern Gothic Love Story
Mississippi History-Desoto to Mother England
British West Florida
The Population of British West Florida
Southwest Humor in Nineteenth Century Mississippi Literature
Historical Note on "The Devil's Bastard"
Free Trade and Smuggling Between British West Florida and Spanish Louisiana
Making Soap on an Eighteenth Century British West Florida Farm
Plantations in British West Florida
Women and the Town Market in Eighteenth Century Louisiana
The Old Southwest in the American Revolution: The James Willing Raid
Naval Stores, Turpentine, Lumbermen, and Longleaf Pine
Historical Note on "Wolf Dawson"
A Brief Introduction to Spanish West Florida
So, What Was All That Fuss About Aaron Burr?
Spanish Louisiana's Feliciance County"
Mississippi's Harrison County Coast at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Historical Note on "Epico Bayou"
Savage Cats, Raccoons, and the French on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
The "Division of Labor" in the Mississippi Timber Industry, 1840-1910
Historical Note on "River's Bend"
Brief History of the Founding of Port Gibson
Introduction to the Historical Note on Honors Banner
The Northern Methodist Church in the South During Occupation and Reconstruction
Military Intelligence, Civilian Operatives, and the Needs of the New United States at the End of the Civil War
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"Loblolly Writer's House Site" Copyright © 2006 by Charlsie Russell
All rights reserved on all pages in this site, plus the copyright
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